Sri. Bandaru Satish Babu

Designation: Assistant Professor

Date of Birth: 05-06-1978
Date of Joining: 14-09-2009
Research Interests: Digital Image Processing.

Pursuing Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, Tamil Nadu.
M.Tech , ANU Affiliated College, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India.
AMIE , Institute of Engineers India(IEI), Kolkata, India.

Total teaching experience in this college: 15 Years and 3 Months.
Total experience : 15 Years and 3 Months. (as on 26-12-2024)
Internaltional/ National Journal Publications:

  1. "Evaluation of Captcha Technologies towards Graphical Password Scheme", International Journal of Computer Engineering In Research Trends, Volume 2, Issue 2, Feb, 2015. ISSN: 2349 - 7084.
Membership in Scientific and Professional Societies:

  • Life Member of IAENG.
  • Life Member of IACSIT.
  • Life Member of IEI.
  • Received mentor certificate from NPTEL for the course "Problem Solving Through Programming in C" during July- October 2018.
  • Received certificate from NPTEL for the course "Problem Solving Through Programming in C" during July- October 2018.
Workshops/Paper Presentations attended:

  • Participated in One Day Workshop on " Moodle Management systems " organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, RVR & JCCE, Guntur on 15th March, 2019.
  • Participated in One week AICTE-ISTE sponsored Induction/refresher program on "Research Methodology, Design and Analysis of Experiments conducted by Mechanical Engineering Department, RVR & JC College of Engineering, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh from 12th to 17th November 2018.
  • Participated in Three Day Workshop on " Embedded Systems(IOT) " sponsored by APSSDC organized by RVRJCCE, Guntur during 17th April to 19th Japril, 2018.
  • Participated in Two Day Workshop on " Ubuntu Essentials " organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, CIET, LAM, Guntur during 30th September to 1st October, 2016.
  • Participated in Two Day Workshop on " Big Data Analytics " organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, UCET, ANU, Guntur during 9th to 10th December, 2014.
  • Participated in Three Day Workshop on " Recent Trends in Graph Theory and Its Applications " (under TEQIP-II) organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NIT Warangal during 11th to 13th October, 2014.
  • Participated in Four Day AICTE Sponsored National Workshop on " Research Methodology " organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, K L University during 15th to 18th May, 2013.
  • Participated in Two Day National Workshop on " Research Issues in Information Retrieval " organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, RVR & JC College of Engineering, Guntur during 2nd and 3rd May, 2014.
  • Participated in Three day Workshop on " Research Methodology in Computer Science " (Under TEQIP-II) organized by Department of Information Technology, Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College, Tirupathi during 28th to 30th, June 2013.
  • Participated in Two Day National workshop on " CYFOR-2013 " organized by the Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, AUCE(A), Visakhapatnam during 26th and 27th April, 2013.
  • Participated in National Workshop on " Big Data Analytics " organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, RVR & JC College of Engineering, Guntur during 17th & 18th April, 2013
Faculty Development Programs/Refresher Course Attended:

  • Participated in Six Day Faculty Development Program on "Big Image Data Processing using Machine Learning" organized by NIT Warangal during 11th December to 16th December, 2017.
  • Participated in Ten Day Faculty Improvement Program on "IBM Cloud Computing" sponsored by APSSDC organized by RVRJCCE, Guntur during 17th January to 26th January, 2017.
  • Participated in Four-week Faculty Development programme on "Use of ICT in Education for Online and Blended Learning" conducted by IIT Bombay, during May 2nd to July 10th, 2016.
  • Participated in Ten Day Workshop on "Theory of Computation" organized by E & ICT Academy, Department of CSE, NIT Warangal during 18th January to 27th January, 2016.
  • Participated in Faculty development program on " Induction Training for young faculty " Organized by Indian Society Technical Education (ISTE) Chapter " at RVR & JC College of Engineering during 1st and 2nd May, 2015.
  • Participated in Faculty development program on " Induction Training for young faculty " Organized by Indian Society Technical Education (ISTE) Chapter " at RVR & JC College of Engineering during 7st and 8nd Sep, 2009.
Contact Details:
EMail: bsb @
Phones: +91 8632288254 Ext: 351